So get ready for some picture overload! I haven't posted in awhile, and I fill like I'm missing half of my summer because I haven't had time to post anything. I have been very busy with my photography business. I guess that is a good thing except when it comes to my own pictures, I just don't have time to do anything with them. We have had a busy summer. We have been getting projects done around the house that have been adding up for the last few years, knowing that Alisha's grad party was going to happen. It's funny how people at your house will cause you to get things done around your house. It was the push my husband and I have needed. We first started off with having a friend of ours put in a patio. I have waited 7 years for my patio, and I couldn't be more happy. I'll have to post a picture another day of that. Then my husband decided it was time to patch a hole in the front hallway going up the stairs that was from the baby gate. I told him, if he was going to patch that hole, and repaint, we might as well do all the hallways, and the office. So my poor husband went along with it, and after he got one hallway done and half of my office, I decided I hated the color I picked. Because my husband loves me so much, he sucked it up, re bought the paint, and started over. We all agree that it looks much better now! Then I decided if we were going to repaint, my decor throughout the first floor, needed some sprucing up. So my job was to get some new things to accent the downstairs with red. Anyone who knows me, knows that I'll shop forever to find exactly what I want, and poor Andrew was along for the ride for 5-6 hour shopping adventures a few times. The poor little guy. I ended up buying 3 sets of rugs for my hallway before I got exactly what I wanted. I actually drive myself crazy with how picky I am. Then my brother helped us with replacing part of the wood on our front porch, because it was rotting away. Then Cain had to put a few coats of fresh paint on it. Anyways, we got all this work done just in the nick of time before Alisha's grad party. I have spending most of this week recovering from Alisha's party, and gearing up for Andrew's surgery next week. I feel like it has been one event after another around here, and quite frankly I can't wait to get some normal routine going!
Below is our pictures from vacation we took to Hilton Head just a few weeks ago. Our family was long over due a vacation. We just haven't taken a long road trip of any kind since Andrew came home. He hates the car, so I was even a bit nervous about taking him this year. The road trip was 12 hours, and that was without stops. He did pretty good, but he can get real loud in the car! The poor kid just has way to much energy. Anyways, our family had a great time, and Hilton Head by far has been my most favorite beach we have been to. We got a condo that was right by the beach, and the beach was so calm and didn't have tons of people everywhere, like I'm use to. I would go back to Hilton Head in a heartbeat. We actually went with some friends of ours, and it worked out great because we both rented our own condos, but we were literally just 8 doors down from each other in the same building. We didn't even ask to be near each other, and this was a condo resort that has 4 floors, and 4 different buildings.
Megan and Julianna
The kids enjoying the TV in their room!
Alisha enjoying a book in her room!
The tide that would go in and out on the beach was so cool! When the tide wen't back, it would leave behind all these cool puddles, and sometimes their were little fish in them that the kids liked to catch.
I don't think you need your life jacket to play in the puddle Andrew!
This is how Alisha spent most of her days on the beach!
Andrew played in the puddles more then the actual ocean!
Andrew and Julianna!
Andrew and Carissa! By the way Carissa is Andrew's girlfriend now. He was smitten by her on our trip! I don't think Carissa feels the same way, but I guess Andrew likes the older girls!
Walk to the beach!
The kids had a blast looking for sand dollars under the sand in the ocean! They also found a few starfish that is below, but we put everything back when we were done each day! Some people beside us also found some interesting things. They caught 2 baby sharks. I guess it is normal for the mother to have the babies near the shore and then leave them there. We also found a few people who caught sting rays! I'm shocked I actually went in the water everyday with the kids!
The kids liked to use the boogie boards when the tide was coming in. The waves would get crazy!
Andrew just loved the water! I was afraid he would cry if the water hit his face, but he never did. He couldn't get enough of it!
This was the last we saw of Cain's sunglasses. Andrew accidentally dropped them and we couldn't find them anywhere!
This was our last walk on the beach in the evening before we left! I already miss the beach and want to go back. It was so great to just have my kids to myself, and have no outside distractions!
This was one of the last pictures I got as the sun went down! This is what I want to remember for a very long time.